Boost Your Sales With WhatsApp API Services in India

End-To-End commerce journey, leveraging the power of WhatsApp API Integration and Online Marketing Strategies.

Explore enhanced communication with Softcron Technologies' WhatsApp API Integration. Seamlessly integrate the power of WhatsApp into your business strategy, ensuring efficient and effective engagement with your audience. Elevate your online presence through our specialized service.

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Drive Measurable Business Impact with Softcron in India


Live WhatsApp solutions


Increase in cart additions


Increase in cart recovery


Repeat purchases

Digital-MarketingAgency_NextPage Messaging on Phone and Message

Built to Scale with WhatsApp Business API Integration in India

At our Digital Marketing Agency, we specialize in creating Effective Communication Solutions that help you reach your customers everywhere. With our expertise in WhatsApp API Integration, we empower your business to connect and engage with your audience through the versatile WhatsApp Business Platform.

Our Whatsapp API Providers services go beyond traditional approaches.

  • Product Discovery: Bring your product catalog to WhatsApp and enable product discovery and purchase
  • Product Recommendations: Offer tailored product recommendations that boost purchases and improve average order value to whatsapp cloud api pricing

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Sell More with your WhatsApp Store

Discover the potential of your business with Softcron Technologies in India, a versatile Digital Marketing Agency. Our expertise spans a variety of services including Web Design, SEO, and Professional Web Development. We're dedicated to delivering Effective Communication Solutions that enrich your business's online presence.

  • Showcase relevant products from your catalog with WhatsApp product messages through commerce API
  • Send interactive multi and single-product messages to present products from your inventory
  • Allow adding products to the shopping cart without risking obsolete information such as price and availability

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Our Features

Automated Replies

Set up automated replies to greet customers, answer FAQs, and provide support round the clock.

Broadcast Messages

Send broadcast messages to engage with your customers in a timely and personalized manner.

Analytics and Reporting

Track the performance of your WhatsApp campaigns with detailed analytics and reporting.

WhatsApp Business Comparison

Whatsapp Business API Whatsapp Business App
Broadcasting Limit UNLIMITED Users/ Day 256 Contacts
Multi-User Access Unlimited Users Up to 5 Devices
Install Chatbots Yes Not Possible
Automated Messaging Yes Not Possible
Broadcast Reaches All Users Only who have saved your number
Coding Required Yes, But Not Required No, As App given by Whatsapp
Verified Green Tick Yes Not Possible
Clickable Messages Yes No

3X Sales with CTA Notifications

Drive 45-60% Click Rates with Whatsapp CTA Notifications. Harness the power of Whatsapp API Integration to enrich your customer engagement strategy. Discover the potential of Whatsapp CTA Notifications, boasting an impressive 45-60% Click Rate and delivering instant conversions with impact! By utilizing clickable links and quick reply buttons, Whatsapp CTA Notifications offer an interactive experience, transforming your messages into dynamic invitations for engagement, exploration, and decisive action. Embrace the evolution from static text to vibrant messages. With Whatsapp CTA Notifications, your messages come alive, compelling recipients to connect, explore, and respond.

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Start working with Softcron and send messages via WhatsApp API

Effortlessly create a chatbot and seamlessly integrate WhatsApp with your systems, whether it's ERP, CRM, your app, or website. You have the flexibility to use any programmable language to connect seamlessly with Softcron.


Ready to get started? It's Free!

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